Grave, Cemetery, Death Obituary Records Research Tools  

Information from graves, cemeteries, death records and obituaries are an important source of data to assist in genealogical tree building.  SGSI provides our members research tools for grave research both SGSI exclusive resources and curated external resources.  

The maintenence of graves is traditionally important in Slovene culture.  All Saints Day or Vsi Sveti (for religious persons) or Dan spomina na mrtve (for non-religious persons), November 1st, is a bank holiday in Slovenia and is a day to remember family and friends who have died.

SGSI Member Tools

Grave, Cemetery & Death Records How Do I . . .?

SGSI has compiled, organized and curated an extensive collection of external online resources to assist members in their genealogy research, in addition to the expansive collection of the SGSI Surname Indexes exclusive to SGSI members.  

Click on the below boxes for the tools and resources available to SGSI members. 

Login to your SGSI Member Account to see these resources.

Michael Zakrajsek Graves Database (SGSI exclusive)

The Michael Zakrajsek Graves Database carries the name Michael Zakrajsek to recognize the work he did over many years to document what was engraved on Slovenian gravestones throughout the country. This contains invaluable information about our Slovenian ancestors is one piece of evidence of where a family was located and the size of the family.

SGSI members can request an electronic photo of the gravestones.  The information in this database may provide enough information to locate the headstone yourself during a future research trip to Slovenia. 

© 2018 Slovenian Genealogy Society International. All Rights Reserved. 
Slovenian Genealogy Society International, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 6415 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, OH 44103

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